Online App Concessions

In order to sell concessions online, you must have the RTS Mobile App or the Web-Based Browser Version of the App which is referred to as the WebApp.
This article will detail how to set up your items to display for sale on the App, how to adjust availability settings for these sales, and how to configure questionnaires to help with getting information from the customer for situations like delivering food to their seat.
Adding The Item To The RTS App Station
To begin, you have to assign the items you wish to sell online to the RTS App station so they will appear available in the Menu Setup detailed in the following sections.
This process will set the station the item can be sold from. It will also set the properties of how it is treated for Inventory purposes.
Navigate to Setup -> Concessions -> Station Items.
Set "Current Station" to the RTS App.
Highlight the item in the "Main Item" list on the right, select the "<-" button to move the item to the "Station Items" list on the left.
For "Type" choose "Selling".
For "Stock From" choose "Stockroom #" if you are tracking inventory. If you are not tracking inventory, select "Create".
Select "Save".
Select "Close".
Navigate to Setup -> Mobile App -> App Menu Setup
This will open up the App Menu Setup window.
Select the green "Add Group" button to create and name a new Item Group.
In this situation, we will create a new item group named Example.
Once it has been created, you will see it in the list.
The Enabled check box will turn the Item Group on and off for online sales.
The Name field will be the display name of the group on the App.
The Description will display below the name so you can have additional information displayed from the Item Group.
Select the item group you just created then select the blue "Assign Items" button.
This window will display your Subtotals in groups.
You can click the plus "+" symbol to expand the Subtotal group to assign the individual items you would like to add to the App Concession Menu.
All you have to do is check the box beside the items you wish to add.

Once you have checked the boxes for the items you wish to add, select Save.

The images that are used for items in the App Concession Menu will be the same images assigned to the items in RTS.
If you are using Custom Concession Images, be sure that those images are set up and assigned on the RTS Server to have them appear for the App Concession Menu.
Setting Up Concession Availability
You can additionally customize the availability schedule for your App Concession Orders.

An Availability Schedule must be configured in order to do App Concession Sales.
Navigate to: Setup -> Mobile App -> App Configuration
Select the Availability Editor tab.
First, you will need to add a Group Name using the Add button and give it a name.
This group will then become selectable in the Group Name dropdown menu.
Once that Group Name has been selected you can then check on or off the days that online concession orders are available.
You can also specify the Open and Close times for accepting online concession orders.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the window once you have this configured to your liking.
Setting Up Pickup Methods
This next section will go over setting up different Pickup Methods to use for these online concession orders.
You may want to have a Deliver To Seat pickup method or a Pickup At Counter method.
Just like before, navigate to Setup -> Mobile App -> App Configuration.
Then select the Order Pickup tab.
Make sure you are on the inner tab labeled Configure Pickup Methods.
You can decide here what method to deliver the concessions to your patrons.
The Add button will allow you to add and name a new Pickup Method to configure.
Once the Pickup Method has been added you can begin to configure it.
Display Name: This is what the customers will see when selecting the Pickup Method.
Description: This is further information to have along with the Display Name.
Schedule Group: This is if you need to assign scheduled availability to the Pickup Method as we went over in the previous section going over the Availability Editor.
Additional options for customizing this further are available under Transaction Restrictions and the Automatic Order Check-In option.

As always, be sure to Save once you have this configured to your liking.
Setting Up Customer Questionnaires
In this section, we will go over how to set up Customer Questionnaires to determine information relevant to the Online Concession Order.
This is useful if you need to know which seat number they are in if you are going to be delivering concession orders to their seats.
Navigate to Setup -> Mobile App -> App Configuration.
Then select the Order Pickup tab.
Select the inner tab named Configure Questionaire.

Just like before, we can select the Add button to create and name a new Question Group.
With that new Question group selected, you can input the relevant information.
Customer Question: This is the question that will be asked of the customer.
Question Description: This is additional information to give for the question being asked.
Kitchen Description: This is what will be displayed for the kitchen in the Order Manager, Order Routing, or Pickup Viewer.
Pickup Method: This is where you select the Pickup Method the question will be assigned to.
Response Type: This is where you will set what kind of information you want to receive back. I will detail them below.
Response Required: This means the customer has to answer the question to be able to check in the order.
Ask Before Purchase Complete: Prompts the question just before the checkout process before the customer pays for the order.

Response Types
Integer: Only numbers without decimal places.
Decimal: Only numbers but with decimal places.
String: A text response from the customer.
Phone Number: A phone number from the customer.
Email Address: An email address from the customer.
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