There are 3 places where you can view your orders from the RTS App: The Pickup Viewer, Remote Printer slips, and the Order Manager.
Pickup Viewers and Remote Printers will only show/print the order when the customer checks in.
The Order window is the only way to view completed and not-checked in orders.
Order Manager
The Order manager allows for the most complete view of incoming and in-process orders.
This image can be accessed by navigating to Actions -> Orders

Orders List
This is the list on the left-hand side of the window. It will list all orders that match the selected Date and Status filters.
The currently selected filters can be seen in the title bar of the Order Manager.
- Created Time - Time the order was submitted
- Receipt # - The receipt number tied to the sale in RTS
- Pickup # - The number assigned to the Transactions for Remote Printers and Pickup Viewers. Only the last 4 digits are displayed on the Pickup Viewer and Remote Printers, minus any leading zeros
- Email - Email associated with the app account used to purchase the order
- Status - This is the current status of the order
- Not Checked In - The order has been submitted, but the customer has not yet checked in
- Checked In - The customer has checked in
- Completed - The order has been marked as completed
- Estimate Pickup Time - This is the Estimate pickup time the customer selected in the app
- Arival Time - If a customer has checked in, this is the time at which they did so
- Pickup Method - The Pickup method the customer selected in the app
The order list can be filtered using the Filter Date and Filer Status buttons on the right-hand side.
The currently selected filters can be seen in the title bar of the Order Manager.
Filter Date
- All / None - Orders with any date will be shown
- Today - Only orders with an Estimated Pickup date of Today will be shown
- Tomorrow - Only orders with an Estimated Pickup date of Tomorrow will be shown
- Future - All orders with an Estimated Pickup date after today will be shown
Filter Status
- All / None - Orders with any status will be shown
- Incomplete - Not Checked In and Checked In orders will be shown
- Not Checked In - Only Not Checked In orders will be shown
- Checked In - Only Checked In orders will be shown
- Completed - Only Completed orders will be shown
Once an order is selected in the order list, the order information will show on the right-hand side.
This will include the contents of the order as well as the answers to any pickup questions.
- Created - Time the order was submitted
- Receipt - The receipt number tied to the sale in RTS
- Pickup # - The number assigned to the Transactions for Remote Printers and Pickup Viewers. Only the last 4 digits are displayed on the Pickup Viewer and Remote Printers, minus any leading zeros
- Order # - The exact order number that will display on pickup viewers and remote printers. This will be the last 4 digits of the Pickup Number, minus any leading zeros
- Customer Email - Email associated with the app account used to purchase the order
- Status - This is the current status of the order
- Not Checked In - The order has been submitted, but the customer not yet checked in
- Checked In - The customer has checked in
- Completed - The order has been marked as completed
- Arival Time - If a customer has checked in, this is the time at which they did so
- Pickup Method - The Pickup method the customer selected in the app
- Pickup Questions - If any Questions are assigned to the selected Pickup method, they will show here in the format: Question's Kitchen Name-Customer Answer;
- Items - This will be a list of the items included in a customer's order.
Below the customer information, there are two buttons: Check In/Complete Order and Print.
The Check In/Complete Order button will change its text and function depending on the status of the selected order.
- If the selected order is Not Checked In, the button will say Check In and allow your employees to manually check-in an order.
- If the selected order's status is Checked In the button will say Complete Order and will mark the order as completed.
The Print Button will print what you see in the Order Information window to the printer set to the Receipt line in the connections tab of the Set Up -> Local Computer
Pickup Viewer
The Order will be sent to the Pickup Viewer as soon as the order is checked in.

Order Routing
Any remote printers configured on the RTS server will print the order information once it has been checked in.
This will follow the order routing configuration set on the RTS Server. For more information on Remote Printing, see our Knowledge Base Article here.