Setting Up Tickets In RTS
Setting Up Tickets In RTS
Tickets can be added and edited into RTS by using the ticket price category module.
Below we will go over how to add ticket categories and also how to add tickets to those categories.
Adding Tickets
Navigate to Setup -> Tickets -> Price.
Select and highlight General then select "Edit".

Note: RTS recommends utilizing only one price category. However, you can add a new
price category by selecting "Add." If you would like to create a new category with the same
time tickets, select clone. This will clone the settings of an existing category.
Notes About Price Categories:
- Price Categories are where you store tickets. Think of them as something like ticket groups.
- RTS highly recommends utilizing the least amount of Price Categories as possible.
- New Price Categories can be added by selecting Add. If you'd like to create a new category with the same tickets you'd simply select Clone which will clone the settings of an existing category.
- The Setup Ticket Price Category window is NOT for adding tickets, it is for adding categories of tickets.
- All tickets in RTS are assigned to a Price Category.
Once you've selected Edit, the Setup Tickets window will appear.
When editing a ticket category, select Add Ticket and designate the name of your item accordingly.
Enter your ticket price (without tax).
If you would like to add tax (which will be included in the price on the selling screen), enter in the Tax 1 and Tax 2 fields accordingly.
Modify your ticket names if needed.

Note: The RTS Selling screen allows for 7 characters. If your ticket name is longer than 7 letters,
consider shortening your name for the Employee Screen and the Ticket Print Screen. For
example, change Senior to Sr.
Repeat the steps as needed, and choose Save or Save and Close.
Disable Print-At-Home Tickets
To disable the Print-At-Home option just select Setup -> Ready Ticket Network -> Options.
Once you are there, set Hide Print-At-Home Tickets to "true."
Once it has been disabled you will need to restart your Internet Server for the changes to take effect.
Follow this link for instructions on how to restart the Internet Server.
Set Up Tickets Explained
Below is a list of information you may find helpful about the Setup Tickets window broken down by name, category, and what each setting means/does:
- Ticket:
Lists the tickets in your database. If you are configuring tickets for the first time, this field
will remain blank until tickets are added.
- Move Up/Move Down: RTS determines the ticket order on the selling screen based on how they are listed in the
Ticket Window. If you would like for a ticket to appear higher or lower on your list, highlight
the ticket and select Move Up or Move Down.
- Sort:
Allows you to automatically sort the tickets in the list by Price or Alphabetical.
- Add:
This allows you to add new tickets.
- Delete:
This deletes the currently selected ticket
- Clone:
This clones the currently selected ticket and allows you to give it a new name.
- Update Bonus Ticket Sort Order:
This will update the sort order of any Bonus Tickets you have in the list.
Ticket Settings
- Database:
Determines your ticket name in the database
- Employee Screen: Designates the ticket name that will appear on your selling screen. The ticket should be
modified to less than 7 characters to fit on the selling screen.
- Ticket Print Name:
Designates how the ticket will show printed on the tickets. Characters are also limited to the
ticket, so modify your ticket name accordingly if needed.
- Internet Name:
Designates the display name for online ticket sales.
- Kiosk Name:
Designates the name that appears on the kiosk.
- Kiosk Description:
Designates the additional ticket description text that is displayed on the kiosk.
- RtsApp Name:
Designates the display name on the RTS Mobile App and RTS WebApp.
- RtsApp Description:
Designates the additional ticket description text that appears on the RTS Mobile App and
RTS WebApp.
- Price (no tax):
The price of the ticket before tax.
- Tax 1:
First tax amount to be calculated. Will appear as a combined amount with your Price
- Tax 2:
An additional field for additional tax amounts.
- Reward Points:
Designates how many points will be earned for the loyalty/rewards/membership program.
- Enabled Employee: If checked, the ticket will display as sellable on the Employee Selling Screen.
- Enabled Kiosk: Determines if the ticket will appear on Kiosks.
- Enabled Internet: Designates if the ticket will be available for purchases made online. For example, a Pass
would be enabled for Employee usage, but not for sales made online
- SuperSaver Ticket:
This designates whether this ticket is part of your SuperSavers Program.
- Enabled Bonus Ticket:
This designates whether the ticket is used specifically as a Pass ticket redeemed as a reward.
- Enabled Web API:
This determines if the ticket type will be available for sale on third-party sites that use the
API, such as Fandango or BoxOffice. If this is checked, all sites that you use on the API will be
available for you to determine if the ticket is available for sale on that website.
- API Access:
This window will allow you to enable or disable individual API access after checking Enabled
Web API.
- Link Item Options:
Links a concession item with a ticket.
This can be used to have an item associated with the ticket or discount the price of a ticket
while still reporting to the boxoffice correctly.
- Item:
Choose the item that will be linked to your ticket.
- Item Amount:
Choose the amount of the item that will be linked.
- Item Price:
Designates the price of the item linked to the ticket.
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