Updated Kiosk Configuration (2024)

Updated Kiosk Configuration (2024)

Updated Kiosk Configuration

As of the June 10th, 2024 version of RTS, an updated Kiosk configuration is available for your location.
This article will guide you through the new configurations and options for this feature. 
As always, if you run into any issues going through this process, please do not hesitate to contact RTS Support for assistance.

Important Note
The new kiosk utilizes Google Chrome to run the kiosk layout alongside the RTS software.
To utilize the new kiosk layout, Google Chrome must be installed on the system designated to be the kiosk.
Directions on how to install Google Chrome can be found here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95346?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop

Kiosk Layout Example Images

Creating A New Kiosk Configuration

To access the new kiosk configuration settings, navigate to Setup -> Kiosk -> Configuration.
The older style kiosk is now found under Legacy Configuration.

By default, you will be greeted with the Kiosk Configuration window without any settings in place. 

To begin creating a new configuration, select New Config and give a name to this configuration.
Once it has been named, it will populate some default settings into the configuration window.

Next, we will go over the different settings you can use for the new Kiosk in this configuration window!

Kiosk Configuration Settings

Section 1 - Styling

Theme (Primary): This setting allows you to define the color theme for the kiosk. It influences elements such as button colors and certain windows. The color is specified using Color Hex Codes, which consist of a string of letters and numbers representing different colors. These codes can be easily obtained by searching online or using software like Windows Paint with its "Edit Colors" feature.

For the purpose of this article, we will use the Hex Code #3d6cde for a pleasant light blue color. Below is a screenshot demonstrating how this Hex Code was retrieved using Windows Paint.

Section 2 - Options Tabs

General Tab

  1. Transaction Timeout:
    1. This setting enables you to specify the duration, in seconds, before a transaction times out due to inactivity. After reaching this threshold, the kiosk will automatically return to the idle screen.
  2. Swipe Timeout: 
    1. This setting allows you to define the duration, in seconds, for any card swipe screen to time out. Upon reaching this limit, the kiosk will revert to the previous screen.

Ticket Tab

  1. Sales After Showtime Cut Off:
    1. This setting determines the duration, in minutes, during which customers can purchase tickets for showtimes after the show has started.
  2. Max Ticket Quantity:
    1. This setting allows you to specify the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased in a single transaction at the kiosk.
  3. Show Ticket Tax:
    1. This setting enables you to choose whether to display the tax amounts of tickets before reaching the checkout window.

Pickup Tab

  1. Pickup Tickets Enabled:
    1. Enable this setting to allow customers to use the kiosk for ticket pickup.
  2. Scan/Swipe Entry Enabled:
    1. Enable this setting to allow customers to scan or swipe information for ticket pickup.
  3. Manual/Keyed Entry Enabled:
    1. Enable this setting to allow customers to manually enter information using an onscreen keyboard for ticket pickup.
  4. Allow Pickup With Last 4 Of Card:
    1. Enable this setting to allow customers to use the last 4 digits of the credit card used for purchase to pick up tickets.
  5. Show Pickup Tickets Button On Idle Page:
    1. Enable this setting to display the pickup tickets button directly on the idle screen, streamlining the ticket pickup process.
Loyalty Tab

  1. Prompt For Loyalty After Show Selection:
    1. Enable this setting to trigger a pop-up prompt for customers to input their loyalty, reward, or membership card information after selecting their desired showtime.
Concession Tab

  1. Prompt For Concession After Ticket Purchase:
    1. Enable this setting to prompt customers with a pop-up asking if they would like to purchase concessions after buying their tickets.
  2. Enabled Concession Purchase Without Ticket:
    1. This setting allows customers to buy concessions without purchasing a ticket.
  3. Prompt For Phone Number On Concession Purchase:
    1. Enable this setting to prompt customers with a pop-up requesting their phone number when purchasing concessions.
  4. Menu:
    1. This option allows you to select your configured menu setup for concession items. This will be covered in detail later in the article.
  5. Restricted Items: This section is directly related to the "Require Age Verification" setting that can be enabled on items in Setup -> Concessions -> Items.
    1. Limit Enabled:
      1. Activate this setting to enable the limits specified below (Transaction Limit and Per Person Limit).
    2. Require Driver's License:
      1. When enabled, customers will be required to scan their driver's license to purchase restricted items.
        1. Note: Verifying the customer's age with an employee should also be required in addition to this setting.
    3. Transaction Limit:
      1. Sets the limit on the number of restricted items that can be purchased in a single transaction. Use 0 for unlimited.
    4. Per Person Limit:
      1. Sets the limit on the number of restricted items that can be purchased per person, up to the transaction limit. This setting works when "Require Driver's License" is enabled. Use 0 for unlimited.

Reserved Tab

  1. Disable Single Seat Warning:
    1. Enable this setting to prevent customers from receiving a warning if their seat selection results in too many single seats.
  2. Force Auditorium Ticket Selection:
    1. Enabling this setting requires customers to select their tickets after choosing their seats. Please note that this setting does not apply if you have Ticket Types that automatically apply to specific seat types.
Payments Tab

  1. Credit Cards Enabled:
    1. Enable this setting to allow payments to be made with a credit card.
  2. Gift Payment Enabled:
    1. Enable this setting to allow payments to be made with a gift card.
Tips Tab

  1. Tip Amounts:
    1. This setting will be covered in a separate section later in the article.
Notifications Tab

Before utilizing this feature, ensure that text messaging is enabled for your location.
Contact RTS Support to enable this functionality.
  1. Enabled Text Messaging:
    1. This setting will enable text messages to be sent to customers from the RTS software. 
  2. Message TypesIn this section, you can configure different types of text messages to be sent to customers.
    1. Text On Order Ready:
      1. Enables sending a text message to the customer when their order is ready.
    2. Text On Purchase:
      1. Enables sending a text message to the customer when they make a purchase.

Pickup Methods Tab

This section lists the Pickup Methods configured in RTS via the App Configuration area under the Order Pickup tab. To use a Pickup Method at the kiosk, it must meet the following criteria:

  1. Kiosk Enabled:
    1. The Pickup Method must be enabled for the kiosk under Contexts.
  2. Availability Schedule:
    1. The Pickup Method must have an Availability Schedule set up in the Availability Editor tab.
RTS Support can assist you with configuring these settings.
You can manage the availability of Pickup Methods by using the Make Available or Make Unavailable buttons to move methods between the two sections as needed.

The Details section displays various settings for the selected Pickup Method. The information shown includes:

  • Display Name:
    • The display name for the Pickup Method, as configured in the Order Pickup tab of the App Configuration area of RTS.
  • Schedule Group:
    • The name of the Availability Schedule Group, as set in the Availability Editor tab of the App Configuration area of RTS.
The details shown in the window below the Display Name and Schedule Group fields are pulled directly from the App Configuration area of RTS where the Pickup Method was initially configured.

Section 3 - Images

Please note that the RTS software does not include preloaded images for your kiosk.
You will need to provide your own images to personalize your kiosk setup.

Supported image Formats: 

There are no size restrictions for the images. However, you may need to adjust the image dimensions to fit your kiosk's features optimally.
Experiment with different sizes to achieve the best results.

Image Types
  • Loyalty Card:
    • The image used for your loyalty cards.
  • Gift Card:
    • The image used for your gift cards.
  • Idle Click:
    • The image used for the touch area to start the kiosk from the idle screen to begin a transaction or pick up ticket process.
  • Location Logo:
    • The image used for your location's logo.
  • Background:
    • The background image used throughout the kiosk process.
  • Concession Purchase:
    • The image used to show the touchscreen area for starting concession purchases.
  • Ticket Purchase:
    • The image used to show the touchscreen area for starting ticket purchases.
  • Pickup Tickets Idle:
    • The image used for the touchscreen area to start the kiosk from the idle screen directly to the ticket pickup process.
  • Pickup Tickets Home:
    • The image used to show the touchscreen area for starting the ticket pickup process.
  • Pickup Tickets Scan:
    • The image used to indicate to customers that they can scan their tickets to pick them up.
  • Pickup Tickets Complete:
    • The image used to show the customer that the ticket pickup process is complete.

Setting Up The Tips Tab

The new Kiosk layout allows you to enable credit card tips for transactions processed through the Kiosk.

You can configure tips in the following ways:
  • Flat Amount:
    • Set tips as fixed amounts.
  • Percentage of Total:
    • Set tips as a percentage of the transaction total.
  • Custom Tip Amount:
    • Enable customers to input a custom tip amount.

  1. Enable Tips:
    1. In the Tips Tab option window, check the box labeled Enabled to activate tips.
  2. Enable Custom Tips:
    1. If you want to allow custom tip amounts, check the box at the bottom of the settings labeled Enable Custom Tips.
  3. Add a Tip:
    1. Click on Add to create a new tip amount.
      1. A prompt will appear asking if this is a Percentage Amount.
    2. Select Yes for a percentage-based tip, or No for a flat amount.
    3. Enter the desired amount when prompted.
    4. Press OK to confirm.
      1. The new tip amount will now appear in the Tip Amounts area.

Using the buttons provided, you can:
  1. Add Additional Tip Amounts:
    1. Increase the number of available tip options.
  2. Add a No Tip Option:
    1. Include a selection for no tip.
  3. Remove a Selected Tip Amount:
    1. Eliminate a specific tip option from the list.
  4. Move Up/Down Tip Amounts:
    1. Reorder the tip options within the list.
  5. Set the Default Tip Amount:
    1. Specify which tip amount should be automatically selected by default.

Setting Up Kiosk Concession Sales

Configuring the ability to sell your concessions through the Kiosk interface is a multi-step process.
Let's approach this step by step.
  1. Creating A Classification
  2. Assigning Items To A Classification
  3. Creating A Category
  4. Assigning A Classification To The Category
  5. Creating A Menu
  6. Assigning The Category To A Menu
  7. Assigning A Menu To Your Kiosk

Creating A Classification

To begin this step, navigate to Setup -> Classifications.

  1. Here, you will find options to edit, add, and remove existing Classifications.
  2. To create a new Classification, click on the Add button.
  3. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new Classification.
    1. Input the desired name.
  4. After entering the name, click OK.
    1. The new Classification will now appear in the list.

Assigning Items to a Classification

  1. Select the Classification you just created and click on Edit.
    1. A new window will open, allowing you to assign items to this Classification.
  2. With the Item section selected, a list of available items will appear.
  3. To add items to the Classification, simply check the boxes next to the desired items in the list.
    1. If you are using Modifiers, ensure you check both the Main and Sub Items.
  4. Once you have chosen your desired items, click on "Save and Close".

Creating A Category/Assigning A Classification To A Category

To begin this setup process, navigate to Setup -> Concessions -> Display Menu -> Categories

This will bring up the Category Builder window.

  1. To begin, click on "Add" and provide a name for your new category.
    1. This action will display the newly created category in the Menu Categories list.
  2. Next, select the newly created category from the list and assign it the classification you previously created using the drop-down menu.
  3. Ensure to check the "Enabled" box to indicate to the software that this category is ready for use.
  4. Once you have completed these steps click "Save" to save your progress.

The items assigned to the Classification will now appear in the list and are assigned to the Category.
You can use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to re-order your items for the selected Category.

Creating A Menu

To start this step of the process, navigate to Setup -> Concessions -> Display Menu ->  Menus.

This will bring up the Menu Builder window.

  1. To begin creating a new Menu, click on "Add" and provide a name for your new Menu
    1. This action will display the newly created category in the Menu list on the left.
  2. Once you have created the Menu, click "Save".
Now that the Menu has been created and saved, your created Category will appear under Unassigned Categories.

Assigning The Category To A Menu

Assigning a Category to a Menu is a very simple process.
  1. Select the desired Menu so it is highlighted in blue.
  2. Select the desired Category from the Unassigned Categories list.
  3. Use the left "<--" or right "-->" arrows to move the selected Category between the Unassigned and Assigned lists.
  4. Once you have Assigned or Unassigned the Category to your selected Menu, click "Save".

Assigning A Menu To Your Kiosk

Now that we have completed setting up our Menu for the kiosk, we can proceed to assign it for use in our Kiosk Configuration.
  1. Go back to the Kiosk Configuration window via Setup -> Kiosks -> Configuration, and select the Concession tab.
  2. Use the Menu drop-down to select the Menu you have created.
  3. Select the "Save" button once you have assigned your Menu.

Congratulations, you have completed configuring and enabling Concessions Items for sale on your Kiosk!

Assigning A Kiosk Station Number And Kiosk Layout

Just like your regular selling stations, each Kiosk will need a station number assigned. 
Kiosk-specific station numbers begin at 80 and end at 98.
We must set the kiosk station numbers that are available and then assign it to your kiosk.

On the kiosk itself navigate to Setup -> Local Computer and select the Kiosk tab.

In this window, select Kiosk Station Number.
Using this window, you can Add, Remove, and Save station numbers for your kiosks.

Once you have set your Kiosk Station Numbers, you can assign a number to the kiosk using the drop-down menu.
This setting is local to each Kiosk you assign these numbers to via Local Computer Settings.

The second drop-down menu in the above picture is where you assign the Kiosk Layout that this kiosk will be using.
The Kiosk Layout is the configuration we went over earlier in this article! This setting is also local to each Kiosk via Local Computer Settings.
We also need to set the Kiosk Mode to Single Screen instead of Legacy so the software knows it should be using the updated kiosk layout on this machine.

Be sure to click/press "Save" on this window once you have these settings in place!

Setting System To Launch In Kiosk Mode

To set the RTS software to launch into Kiosk mode, we must select the interface in the Local Computer settings.

Just like in the previous section, we will be navigating to Setup -> Local Computer. This time we will be selecting the Other tab.
In this window, we will be setting the Interface in the top right of the window to "Self Serve - Kiosk" by clicking the circle next to it.
After doing so, click/press "Save".

Once the software starts up, it will now boot into Kiosk mode!
To restart the software, go to File -> Other -> Restart Software.

Adding Concession Item Images To The Kiosk

Concessions in the kiosk can have images assigned to them.
If no images are assigned, the items will appear with only their name alongside the Logo Image of your theatre that you have added to the kiosk configuration.

To utilize images for concession items, you must follow these steps:

  1. Add the Image to the RTS File Folder: Ensure the image is placed in the system's designated RTS file folder in Windows.
  2. Match the Image File Name: The image file's name must match the item's "Database Name" as it appears in Setup -> Concessions -> Items.

For example, if the database name of your Medium Popcorn is "Med Corn", then the image file must be named "Med Corn.jpg" or whichever file type it may be.

Please note that the RTS software does not include preloaded images for your kiosk.
You will need to provide your own images to personalize your kiosk setup.
Supported image Formats: 
There are no size restrictions for the images. However, you may need to adjust the image dimensions to fit your kiosk's features optimally.
Experiment with different sizes to achieve the best results.

Add the Image to the RTS File Folder

To add the images to the correct file folder, you will need access to access to the Windows File Explorer.
There are two ways to access this:
1.  You can navigate to File -> Other -> Explorer if you have the necessary permissions on your RTS user account.

2. If your POS system's desktop is currently replaced, you can restore it by following these steps:
  1. Go to Setup -> Local Computer.
  2. Select the Other tab.
  3. Click the Restore button under Desktop on the right-hand side of the window.
  4. You will be prompted to restart Windows. A Windows restart is necessary to apply this change.
To replace the desktop again afterward, repeat the steps and click Replace instead of Restore.
Once you can access the Windows Desktop, open the Start Menu and locate File Explorer.

To add the image to your kiosk computers, you need to put the images in C:\RTS\Ticketing\Graphics\Kiosk\.
Note: These sections may have different appearances between systems depending on their Windows version.

To do this:
  1. Navigate to File -> Other -> Explorer in RTS or select the Start Menu and find File Explorer.
  2. Double-click My ComputerComputer, or This PC in the Folders list on the left-hand side.

5. Double-click Local Disk (C:)OS (C:), or Windows (C:) under the "Hard Disk Drives" or "Devices and drives" header in the center of the window to enter it.

6. Find and double-click the RTS folder.

7. Do the same for the Ticketing folder and then the Graphics folder.

8. Right-click an empty space in the middle part of the screen and select New, then select New Folder
This new folder must be named Kiosk.

9. Double-click the newly created Kiosk folder to enter it.
This will be where all of your concession images should be placed.

Repeat these steps on each kiosk computer to add your images to each of them.

Exiting Kiosk Mode

Exiting the kiosk has changed in the new updated version
You no longer need a keyboard plugged into the system in order to exit Kiosk Mode!

To exit the kiosk and return to the normal version of RTS, you just tap or click the Date/Time in the top right corner of the screen rapidly around 10 to 15 times to go into the Kiosk Settings Menu.

Once you have the Kiosk Settings Menu open, there will be an open at the bottom right labeled Exit Kiosk.

Here it is in action from the Idle screen:

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