RTS Usher App

RTS Usher App

Known Compatibility Information With The Usher App

As of current, most mobile devices can use the RTS Usher App as it is done through a web browser rather than a natively installed app.
Any compatibility issues fall into the device's Camera settings and whether it can or cannot scan QR codes.
Google Lens integration within the camera app on Android 8 and above allows scanning QR Codes by activating Google Lens Suggestions in the camera app settings.
The Lenovo Tab M9 is known to be incompatible with the Usher App due to the default camera being unable to scan QR Codes without switching to a different "Camera Mode".

Usher User

      You will be required to set up an email address for "usher" employees and configure them to use the Usher App.
      NOTE: If you are not able to see your name in the Password list, an administrator with higher credentials will need to configure your settings.

      To add an email address, navigate in RTS to Setup --> Password
      Scroll through the permissions settings near the bottom. Add your email address in the “Email Address” field under the Info Section.

      You will also find two app permissions:
  1. Usher App - Setting to True allows this user to log in and use the Usher app.
  2. Usher App Not Clocked In - Setting to True allows this user to log in and use the usher app even if they are not currently clocked into RTS (useful for high-level users such as Owners, GM's, etc who may not be using the RTS Timeclock)

Set-up for Android

      Using Google Chrome

           On the device(s) you plan to use the Usher app, go to usher.formovietickets.com
           Press the button that has 3 vertical dots and navigate down to and press Add to Home Screen
           This will prompt you to Add site to the device's home screen
           This will create an app in the app drawer of the device


      Using Firefox

            On the device(s) you plan to use the Usher app, go to usher.formovietickets.com
            Press the button that has 3 vertical dots and navigate down to and press install. 
            This will prompt you to Add to the home screen. 
            This will create an app on the home screen of the device


      Using Edge

            On the device(s) you plan to use the Usher app, go to usher.formovietickets.com
            Press the button with 3 horizontal dots towards the bottom middle of the screen
            Scroll to the right one page to find and press Add to Phone
            This will prompt you to Add to the home screen
            This will create an app on the home screen of the device

Login Screen

This screen is where you enter your login credentials.

  1. Login - This will log the user in
  2. Gear Icon - pressing this will take you to the server config

Server Setup

This screen allows you to input the server IP address. You'll enter the Local IP address of your RTS server in this window, or you can use "YourRTNnumber".formovietickets.com. The device you have the usher app on can be connected to the same RTS network as the RTS server, but all it needs is internet access. In regards to firewall settings, the Usher App operates entirely within your network and does not need outbound access.

To determine which of your machines is currently the server at your location, find the machine displaying [Server] in the title bar at the top of your RTS window.

From this terminal, navigate to Help > About and the IP of the current terminal will be the highlighted line as seen below:

You will type in your IP address and press "ADD TO HOMESCREEN". This will save the IP Address and allow easier access in the future.

Logging in

From this screen you can log into the usher app. You'll enter the email address added to the employee account in the steps above and use that user's RTS password

  1. Login - After entering your login credentials this button logs you into the app.
  2. Clear - This button clears the login credentials in the case that multiple users are operating the same device or you've entered in incorrect credentials

Scanning Tickets

The App will require access to the camera in order to scan for tickets. 

Once you've successfully logged into the usher app, from this window you can choose which camera to use, whether to turn the light on or off and finally, to scan tickets.

  1. The flashlight button will turn on the light for the device (for low light scenarios)
  2. The button next to that will switch which camera is being used (front facing vs rear facing)
  3. The Pause/Play button will start/stop the scan
NOTE: Tickets can only be picked up within a 45 minute time-frame before or after the performance starts. 
See the ticket pickup responses below for further information on the status of pickup.

Pickup Responses

Ticket picked up successfully:

The ticket has already been picked up:

If the ticket is too early for pick up: 


If the ticket is too late to pick up: 


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