"Deposit - Total" Report

"Deposit - Total" Report

To view Deposit Total report:

  1. Navigate to: Reports -> Deposit -> Total.
  2. Under "Select by", click on "Deposit".
  3. Select the date of the deposit on the left.
  4. Select either whole deposit or a specific station.
  5. Click "View".

Breaking Down the Report


Performance Summary

Shows a breakdown of ticket sales for movies per performance dates.

  • W/ Ticket Types: Shows following information per ticket type
  • W/O Ticket Type: Shows following information with all types combined
  • Aud - auditorium where movie took place
  • Issued - tickets issued
  • Refund - tickets refunded
  • Total - total sold (issued - refunded)
  • Net - Net gain
  • Tax - total tax
  • Gross - Gross Profit

Performance Summary

Show Detail

Shows ticket sale information per film in a graph style

  • Sold - Number of tickets sold of ticket type for specific showing
  • Refund - Number of tickets refunded of ticket type for specific showing
  • Sales - Gross sales of ticket type for specific showing
  • Total - Total of each of the above thing for all showings for ticket type
  • Total(Top Right) - Total number of tickets sold of all types for specific film and showings

Show Detail

Ticket Type Summary

Shows break down of sales information per ticket type across all films

  • Issued - Number of tickets issued
  • Refund - Number of tickets refunded
  • Total Sold - Total tickets sold (issued - refunded)
  • Price - Price of ticket
  • Net - Net gain
  • Tax - total tax
  • Gross - Gross Profit

Ticket Type Summary

Title Summary

Summary of sales information for each film

  • Gross - Gross Profit
  • Net - Net Gain
  • Tax - Total sales tax for tickets sol to film
  • Issued - tickets issued
  • Refund - tickets refunded
  • Total - total sold (issued - refunded)

Title Summary


Cash Drops

Shows the amount, date, report number, station, and employee associated with each cash drop

Cash Drop

Shift Summary

  • Ticket Sales - Number of ticket sales
  • Other Sales - Other sales
  • Calc Deposit - Calculated Deposit
  • Actual Deposit - Amount actually deposited
  • Over/Under - Amount over or under
  • Station Deposit - Deposit from station
  • Error Deposit - Difference between stations and what was entered for deposit
  • Discount - total amount of discounts given
  • Admissions - total number of ticket sales
  • Ticket Receipts - total number of ticket receipts printed
  • Ticket Per Cap - Average ticket sales per person
  • Conc Per Cap - Average concession sales per person
  • Other Per Cap - Average Other sales per person
  • Total Per Cap - Total percap

Shift Summary

Station Summary

Shows report number, deposit amount, over/under amount, who the station was closed by, and who used the station for each station

Station Summary


Discount Details

Shows date, station, employee, amount, item, who associated with discounts given

Discount Details

Item Sales

Shows the total amount in sales(without tax), amount sold, item, item waste, discount amount, and amount remaining in inventory.

Item Sales

Item Subtotals

Shows net gain and loss of concession subtotal revenues and deductions

Item Subtotals

Waste Details

Shows date, station, employee, item, amount wasted, price of the items wasted, cost of the items wasted, and reason related to each waste. The waste detail report shows all discount entries during a specific time period

Waste Detail


Inventory Correction

Shows the date, employee, item, amount, dollar amount, and station number associated with each Inventory Correction.

Inventory Correction

Received and Return

Shows the date, station, employee, item, amount, and memo related to each receive or return. Items received or returned will not count as inventory sold.

Received and Return

Sales VS Inventory (Non PerCap)

Compares sales to inventory of non percap items (Items that do not have the Percap item setting checked) 

  • Concession - Individual item, grouped by Subtotal
  • Begin - Count of each item at the beginning of the designated date range
  • Received - Total amount of item received or returned during the date range
  • Transf - Amount of items transferred out of the building during Receive or Return
  • Spoil - Total amount of item that went to waste during the date range
  • Adjust - Amount the count of an item was adjusted via “Correct Inventory”
  • Ending - Count of each item at the end of the desired date range.
  • Term - Quantity sold at a station
  • Phy - Quantity physically removed from inventory, calculated by Term - Adjust
  • Term - Sold “Term” multiplied by the item price
  • Inv - Sold “Phy” multiplied by the item price

Sales VS Inventory Non-PerCap

Sales VS Inventory (PerCap)

Same as Sales VS Inventory (Non PerCap) but it shows items listed as PerCap instead. (Items that do have the Percap item setting checked)

Salves VS Inventory PerCap

Station Inventory

Shows station inventory amounts per item

Station Inventory

Credit Cards

Authorization Details

Information about each card authorization

  • Auth Time - Authorization time
  • Amount - Amount of transaction
  • Type - Type of card e.g. Visa, Master Card
  • Method - Method of input e.g. Swipe, Insert, Manual(Typed in card number)
  • User - user who ran transaction
  • Card - Last four of card number
  • Tip - Any tip associated with payment
  • Station - Station transaction took place on

Authorization Details


Shows batch information about each transaction

  • Batch Time - Time batch was sent out
  • Amount - Transaction Amount
  • Type - Type of card e.g. Visa, Master Card
  • Method - Method of input e.g. Swipe, Insert, Manual(Typed in card number)
  • User - user who ran transaction
  • Card - Last four of card number
  • Tip - Any tip associated with payment
  • Station - Station transaction took place on


Batch Detail

Shows information about batch as a whole

  • Batch # - Unique id for each batch
  • Type - Card Processor sent to
  • Date Time - Date and time batch was sent
  • Visa, MC, ... - Shows break down of batch amount per card type

Batch Detail


Daily Sales Summary

Shows general information related to daily sales. Only shows for the deposit.

  • Revenue/Deduction - Shows Relevant Subtotal Information

Daily Sales Summary 1

  • Info:
    • Total Paid Admissions - Number of paid admissions
    • Free Tickets - Number of free tickets
    • PerCap Sales - Total PerCap Sales
    • Ticket PerCap - Average Ticket sale amount per person
    • Conc PerCap - Average concession sale amount per person
    • Cost Per Admission - Cost per admission
    • Payroll - Total amount to pay for payroll
    • Hours - Total hours worked
    • Ticket Deposit - Deposit for ticket sales
    • Ticket Credit - Credit cards totals for Ticket sales
    • Conc Deposit - Deposit for Concessions
    • Conc Credit - Credit cards totals for Concessions
    • Combo Deposit - Deposit for Ticket Concession combo purchases
    • Combo Credit - Credit cards totals for Ticket Concession combo purchases
  • Deposit:
    • Cash + Checks - Total cash + Checks
    • Subtotals relevant to deposit
  • Batch

Shows batch information from "Batch" in category 5

Daily Sales Summary 2

General Entries

Shows admission and sales information for films and Per Cap data for concession.

  • Screen - Screen the film will be showing on
  • Title - Title of film showing
  • Date - Date film will be showing
  • Adm - Total admissions to film
  • Void - Admissions voided
  • Net - Current admissions to film
  • Gross - Gross profit for film
  • Advance - Gross profit for films in advance(for films not today)
  • Tax - Total tax for film
  • Net - Net profit for film

General Entries


Shows Employee, date, station, and message from any memos



Close User

list of users who closed

Close User

Station Users

list of users who have used the station

Stations Users

Sales Metrics

API User Subtotal

Subtotal information for API users such as RTS Internet Ticketing or Fandango

API User Subtotal

API User Transaction Details

Information about payment types from API users.

API User Transaction Details

Employee Subtotal

Shows subtotal breakdown by employee

Employee Subtotal

Employee Transaction Details

Shows total transactions breakdown by employee

Employee Transaction Details

Payment Types

Subtotal Breakdown by payment type

Payment Types

Station Subtotal

Subtotal breakdown by station

Station Subtotal

Station Transaction Details

Station Transaction breakdown

Station Transaction Details

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