RTS has added support for automatically uploading your RTS Backups to Google Drive for easy offsite backups. The backup will be uploaded when the standard nightly backup has completed. You can use the same Google account to back up multiple location databases, saving your chain databases under one account.
Navigate to Actions -> Database Utilities -> Cloud Backup
Set the number of backups you wish to have on your Google Drive account in the Number of days to retain box.

Note: if you wish to disable the backup, set the Number of Days to Retain to -1.
Press the Authorize Account button. This will open a web browser and ask you to sign in to the Google Account you wish to upload backups to.
Press Allow to give RTS permission to upload and delete backups.
You should then be directed to a window that says OAuth Get Authorization Successful!. You can now close the window and return to RTS.
Press OK on the Verified popup box.
Viewing Available Backups
You can display the backup date and file size of all backups for a location inside of RTS.
Navigate to Actions -> Database Utilities -> Cloud Backup
Press Load
The backups for this database will display in the Current Backups in Google Drive window, along with the size of the file.

Note: This will only include backups from this location. Any other locations you have configured with this Google Drive account will not show up in this window
Via Google Drive
To get to your backups in Google Drive:
Login to the same Google Account you configured to upload your backups.
At the top level of your Google Drive, you should see a folder called rts_backup. In this folder will be all of your backups for every database you set to backup to google drive. The files will be named: Backup-**RTN Number**-**Date in the format: YYYYMMDD**.RtsBackup
Restoring a Backup From Google Drive
To restore an RTS backup from your Google Drive, Login to the same Google Account you configured to upload your backups.
Then call our Support Team at 865-212-9703 and select Tech Support in the phone tree.
Our support team will be able to help you safely restore your backup.