Chromecast Not Showing As Available Troubleshooting

All of the following steps must be done on the Signage Server, which is almost always your RTS Server Computer.
If these steps are done on any other machine, it will not work.
Chromecast Troubleshooting: Step 1
First, we want to make sure the Chromecast is showing on the network properly. The easiest way to determine that is to open the Google Chrome browser on your RTS Server computer.
Select the three dots icon that opens the browser settings.
Go to Cast, Save, and Share, then select Cast.
All available Chromecasts on your network should appear in the list in the window that appears.
If the Chromecast is currently casting, it will display information related to the cast.
If it's available and not casting, it will show it as Available.
If the Chromecast you are looking for isn't appearing here, you will need to go back to the setup for the Chromecast and make sure it's correctly connected to the right network.
Chromecast Troubleshooting: Step 2
If your Chromecast isn't showing as available in the list but is appearing in the Chrome Browser, you may need to refresh the Chromecast availability list.
To help make the Chromecast show as available in RTS go to File -> Other -> Switch To -> Internet Server, this will open the Internet Service Monitor.
Two options here are helpful for getting your Chromecasts to appear in RTS.
They are listed here in the order you should try them during the Troubleshooting process.
- Discover Chromecasts: This option will send a discovery signal out to attempt to find any Chromecasts that are available on your network.
- Restart Internet Server: If the Discover Chromecasts option doesn't work, you can try restarting the Internet Server in order to completely refresh all Chromecasts connections and send new discovery and initialization signals to the devices.

Using either of these options can take several minutes to run through the process, so be patient and wait for the software to take the time it needs to attempt to get the Chromecasts connected appropriately.